Street Light Control System is a simple and powerful concept, which uses
transistor as a switch to switch ON and OFF the street light automatically. By
using this system manual works are removed. It automatically switches ON lights
when the sunlight goes below the visible region of our eyes. It automatically
switches OFF lights under illumination by sunlight. This is done by a sensor
called Light Dependant Resistor (LDR) which senses the light actually like our
eyes. By using this system energy consumption is also reduced because
now-a-days the manually operated street lights are not switched off properly
even the sunlight comes and also not switched on earlier before sunset. In
sunny and rainy days, ON time and OFF time differ significantly which is one of
the major disadvantage of using timer circuits or manual operation. This
project exploits the working of a transistor in saturation region and cut-off
region to switch ON and switch OFF the lights at appropriate time with the help
of an electromagnetically operated switch. Automatic Streetlight needs no
manual operation of switching ON and OFF. The system itself detects whether
there is need for light or not. When darkness rises to a certain value then
automatically streetlight is switched ON and when there is other source of
light, the street light gets OFF. The extent of darkness at which the street
light to be switched on can also be tailored using the potentiometer provided
in the circuit.
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